The supply and demand for business financing together on one loan platform

Improved access to financing for SMEs, thanks to a customer-friendly application portal and largely automated process.

Enhancing the financeability of SMEs

For the Dutch SME business community, access to financing remains a tough and complicated process. Fundion wanted to create a bank without a balance sheet, where SMEs can go for financing. On the one hand, they want to make it easier for businesses to obtain financing while on the other lowering the threshold for institutional investors wanting to enter this market.



The request from Fundion


Help us find an efficient way to bring loans onto the market, while at the same time simplifying the process of granting, assessing and managing those loans.


The approach


Fundion uses Fyndoo Lending to process credit applications. “This introduced a good structure, but we still had to make various adjustments so that it would match our needs,” explains Art van Bruggen, CEO and co-founder of Fundion. “We had several sessions together in order to pinpoint exactly where we wanted to get to: are we still working on the right things and does our original concept still stack up? It’s important to reach consensus on this together.” 


Art is clear on one thing. “I’ll definitely invest energy again next time in familiarising the developers with our process. Topicus IT specialists literally sat at our desks to process requests. This created an enormous drive to implement further improvements. We found that energy, and the whole collaboration, a very positive experience. They have a will to make things a success, and people are keen to think with you. It really was one team, rather than a classic customer-supplier relationship. That was definitely the key to success.”

"We found that energy, and the whole collaboration, a very positive experience. They have a will to make things a success, and people are keen to think with you. It really was one team, rather than a classic customer-supplier relationship. That was definitely the key to success."
Art van Bruggen
Art van Bruggen
Fundion CEO and co-founder

Closing the lending gap together

The Fyndoo solution


Fyndoo Lending supports Fundion employees in their work. Automating certain processes reduces manual work and makes it less error-prone, and also speeds up the overall process. The standardised way of working also ensures Fundion remains 'in control'.


For advisor and customer alike, there is now a customer-friendly application portal that users respond to positively. And because they’re happy with the system, they return. Bringing Fundion closer to its ultimate goal to improve access to financing for SMEs.




  • Faster and less error-prone process
  • More data insight and control
  • Customer-friendly application portal


Looking forward, there are lots more ambitious plans to further digitise the process. There are also innovative ideas for supporting the businessperson even better. Such as the use of AI, which should provide more insights and a better overview, for example with alerts for rising costs or advice on where there is still room for improvements. Better analysis of the data would also provide additional reassurances for institutional investors. It works both ways.

Download the Fundion case

Fundion answers the need of alternative and traditional financiers looking to wholly or partly outsource the assessment and management of business financing. Fundion enables asset managers and financiers to offer SMEs unique product propositions in all product categories.


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